30 Most Popular Subreddits To Checkout (2023)

Most Popular Subreddits

I cannot emphasize enough how much I treasure meaningful connections. And while it’s difficult to meet like minds in real life, our avoidant hearts have somehow found solace in Reddit communities.  That being said, let’s check out some of the most popular subreddits!

So, gone are the days where you felt that you don’t belong: Because in Reddit’s realm, there are countless people who think, feel, and exhibit the same energy that you do.

Top 10 Most Popular Subreddits

In the table below, I have mentioned the top 10 most popular subreddits. Additionally, I have also added their brief description to make your skimming process a bit simple. 

With that in mind, let’s begin:-

1r/announcementReddit’s official iuppdate community.
2r/funnyFunny media, texts, videos, etc.
3r/ AskRedditYou can ask any of your queries.
4r/gamingExcept for sports, you can find all kinds of gaming discussion here. 
Even board games.
5r/awwAny piece of media that makes your heart go, “awwww!” you can post it here.
6r/musicSharing and recommending music. 
7r/worldnewsYour daily insight into what’s happening in the world!
8r/todayilearnedSharing your everyday learnings.
9r/moviesDiscussing, reviewing, and recommending movies.
10r/picsRandom picture dumps. 

30 Most Popular Subreddits (2023)

In the list below, I have mentioned the 30 most popular subreddits as of 2023. So, go through them and check out whether your favorite community is listed below:-

1. r/announcement


Like many social media platforms have their official handle that announces new updates or anything, in general, the platform wants to convey to us… Similarly, r/announcement fulfills that feature of Reddit. 

2. r/funny


I understand how everybody has different definitions of funny, and what is humorous to you might not be for other people. Regardless, this subreddit has facts, pictures, and messages that people across the globe find funny. 

3. r/ AskReddit


Instead of Google, why would anyone ever ask queries to Reddit? 

Well, firstly, Google is so 2017 (no offense) but honestly, the data is not completely understandable, and in most cases, the things I struggle with are not even available on Google.

However, if I head to Ask Reddit and ask my question, I get ten thousand different answers (which I know is for sure coming from their individual experiences or at least basic understanding), and from there, I can pick and choose what suits me the most. 

4. r/gaming


From video games to board ones, you will find queries/ solutions or mutually geeking over the same in this community. Moreover, if you’re looking for mates to play online games, then this is a perfect place to seek some. 

5. r/aww


If you’re one of those people who look at things, animals, or even movie scenes and go “awwwww” inside, then this subreddit is perfect for you! 

Here, you can express what made your heart melt, and nobody will judge you. In fact, chances are you will find people who resonate with you. Additionally, you can even upload media of the said adorable things. 

6. r/music


MUSIC! As you know, music is a love language, and what better community to hang out on than a music subreddit? 

Here, your musical talent is appreciated! Moreover, you can even explore different people’s favorite artists and even recommend your favorite ones.

7. r/worldnews


We all know how difficult it is to keep up with the world when each day, there’s a new whirlwind within ourselves. 

And sure, people seek Twitter for the latest updates, but the world news subreddit is equally good at keeping in touch with what’s happening across the globe. 

8. r/todayilearned


Every day we learn something new, it ranges from technical skills to mindfulness. And how cool it feels to share your enlightenment with other beings. That’s what this subreddit is all about!

9. r/movies


Unlike the specific genres, you can discuss any movie that you like in this subreddit. 

Moreover, if you have a hard time remembering movie scenes or even need recommendations, then Redditors on this community are really helpful!

10. r/pics


This subreddit is as simple as it sounds: It consists of a vast collection of pictures that ranges from random things, places, screenshots, etc. People love good photo dumps, and that’s why this community is a fan favorite. 

11. r/science


Any science-related queries, theories, or simply geeking over the subject is what this subreddit is all about. You will also meet people who counter-question you and keep those scientific juices in your brain stimulated. 

12. r/showerthoughts


People mostly discuss their random intrusive thoughts that generally occur in the shower. 

Most often, they are senseless, and since this subreddit is a judgment free zone, its popularity is sustained at all times. (It’s my favorite, to be honest.)

13. r/videos


The r/videos is a place for uploading and viewing videos that you have found on the internet. The motive is super random; you saw something and felt like sharing. So, instead of addictively scrolling Instagram reels or Tik Tok for that matter, try r/videos this once. 

14. r/news


The news you find here primarily discusses what happens in the United States. However, there are news articles about the major events that are happening across the globe as well!

15. r/jokes


The best way to go through life is to find humor in everything! And that’s the purpose of this subreddit: You will find numerous jokes on this page regarding anything and everything. So, you can add some of yours or even take inspiration for future puns. 

16. r/memes


First gifs and now memes, online conversations are truly incomplete without these two materials. So, if you are looking for trending or, in general, cool memes, then look no other place than the memes subreddit. 

17. r/askscience

most popular subreddits- askscience

Ask Science is a safe space for all aspiring Einstein-ers. Well, it doesn’t have to be that deep. Hence, even if you have a basic science problem, then too this subreddit is helpful for you. Likewise, you can offer solutions for other people’s queries too. 

18. r/IAmA

most popular subreddits- IAmA

Another popular subreddit is where common things are put on the pedestal of fascination, whereas the most absurd things are normal. Overall, this is your community if you process through, “everything is magic” mentality. 

19. r/food


Oh my God, I am so hungry! And the best place for such a state is r/food since it offers different food recipes. Moreover, if you’re not in the mood to cook anything, then you can simply go through the provided media (be it images or videos). 

20. r/earth***n


There are so many “oh, this is heaven on earth” places on this globe. And r/earth***n (or shall I say Globetrotter) gives justice to all those places by capturing it in pictures or videos and further sharing it in this community. 

21. r/space


As the name suggests, r/space is all about the mysteries of Space. Here, you can discuss constellations, galaxies, and, if you want to dive deeper, then maybe, which planets are going retrograde. 

22. r/books

most popular subreddits- books

Do you like getting lost in your fictional land? Are you looking for a place to geek over your favorite books, or even need some new recommendations? Well, the books’ subreddit is the best place to do so.

23. r/diy


For all the Do It Yourself lovers, this subreddit is full of tutorials on random things. Today’s kids will never understand what MAD and Art Attack meant for us. Regardless, this Reddit community is a good enough substitute for our childhood shows. 

24. r/art

most popular subreddits- art

In a world where art and artists are so heavily looked down on (unless you are Michael Jackson or something), the art subreddit is a safe space for all the aspiring ones. In fact, the discussion on this community is really mature and substantial. 

25. r/explainlikeimfive

most popular subreddits- explainlikeimfive

How many times have you felt that you’re dumb in certain situations? Or maybe your brain’s wiring is different than the other person and their way of explaining things is just too difficult for you to process? 

Either way, Explain Like I’m Five is the perfect place for the child-like explanations.

26. r/nottheonion

most popular subreddits- nottheonion

Ever heard about the American media company, The Onion? Well, this subreddit is specifically dedicated to posting stories or articles that people thought were published in The Onion, but unfortunately, it wasn’t! 

27. r/lifeprotips

most popular subreddits- lifeprotips

This whole human experience can be so overwhelming at times. Every now and then, I feel that I am in some video game with no instruction manual, and the mode is set as the HARDEST HARD THAT HAS EVER HARDED!

Thankfully, Life Pro Tips offers some hacks that help you go about your life much more easily. 

28. r/gifs

most popular subreddits- gifs

You know that saying, “I don’t know how much I needed you till I experienced you?” That’s what gifs users feel. And gifs subreddits offer the most trending gifs for you to use.

29. r/mildlyinteresting

most popular subreddits- mildlyinteresting

Have you ever seen something that really intrigued you, but on second thought, you were like, maybe it’s not THAT interesting? Well, the Mildly Interesting subreddit is the perfect place to share those kinds of thoughts. 

30. r/gadgets

most popular subreddits-gadgets

This subreddit discusses gadgets from the ancient ages to the most recent ones. Here, Gadget nerds discuss, review, and recommend various devices to the noobs. 

Related Reads:

Conclusion: Which Is The Most Popular Subreddit?

As of June 2023, the most popular subreddit is Reddit’s update community, aka. r/announcements. With the help of this subreddit, users stay directly connected with the platform and all its announcements. 

However, keep in mind the list I have curated above is scraped from the latest data. So, there is a high chance of the list shuffling its ranking since the popularity spectrum keeps changing. Therefore, in that case, I will keep the page updated!


What are the top 10 most popular subreddits?

The top most popular subreddits are as mentioned below:-
1. r/announcement
2. r/funny
3. r/ AskReddit
4. r/gaming
5. r/aww
6. r/music
7. r/worldnews
8. r/todayilearned
9. r/movies
10. r/pics

What is the #1 subreddit?

As of 2023, the #1 subreddit is r/announcement, which is an official update community for Reddit. 

What are the top Reddit groups?

The top Reddit groups currently are Today I Learned, Explain Like I’m Five, Do It Yourself, and so on. 

How do I find cool subreddits?

There are a few ways from which you can find cool subreddits; I have mentioned a few of the methods below:-
1. Check out the All section of Reddit.
2. Go through the popular page of Reddit. 
3. Ask for “cool” recommendations.
4. And finally, create a new subreddit for the same.

What is Reddit mostly used for?

Reddit is mostly used as a social news website and even forum for meeting like-minded people.

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