Filler episodes are just some independent stories about the story’s characters that have nothing to do with the original storyline. Hence. It is the same with One Piece Filler episodes as well.
The sole reason behind adding filler episodes is nothing but to provide the audience to watch something while the manga is running behind schedule.
Also, to be more precise about One Piece Filler, there are a total of 74 pure filler episodes, which is a small number comparatively.
So, let’s see which are these One Piece Filler episodes without any further ado.
The Filler Episodes in One Piece (So Far)
Even though the episodes listed below are fillers, we still recommend taking a glimpse into the basic overviews of all the filler arcs. It will give you an idea of what the show’s makers are trying to provide you.

Moreover, the filler arcs in One Piece might not seem important to occasional anime watchers. Still, they are just as important as regular episodes to the die-hard anime weebs.
We made this article to give you a glimpse into the filler arcs, and you will have the titles of the filler episodes to skip when they appear.
Episodes: 54 to 61- Warship Island Arc
In this first set of filler episodes, some trivia is also included. The straw hats group rescue Apis, a girl who has escaped from a warship. The pirate crew tries to help her and Sennenryu to get back to their homeland.
To be honest, as an anime weeb, this arc doesn’t seem appealing, so you can skip it without giving it much thought.
Titles of Filler Episodes-
Ep 54: Precursor to a New Adventure! Apis, a Mysterious Girl!
Ep 55: Miraculous Creature! Apis’ Secret and the Legendary Island!
Ep 56: Eric Attacks! Great Escape From Warship Island!
Ep 57: A Solitary Island in the Distant Sea! The Legendary Lost Island!
Ep 58: Showdown in the Ruins! Tense Zoro vs. Eric!
Ep 59: Luffy, Completely Surrounded! Commodore Nelson’s Secret Strategy!
Ep 60: Through the Sky, They Soar! The 1000-Year Legend Lives Again!
Ep 61: An Angry Showdown! Cross the Red Line!
Episodes: 131 to 135- Warship Post-Arabasta Arc
You guessed it—the Post-Arabasta arc takes place after the Arabasta arc and consists of five stand-alone episodes.
The objectives and aspirations of the crew are covered in each episode. However, for some unknown reason, the dreams of Robin and Luffy are not discussed here.
Undoubtedly, you should watch this arc if you want to learn a little bit more about the Straw Hat pirates. However, most fans feel that the story aspect is lacking.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 131: The First Patient! The Untold Story of the Rumble Ball!
Ep 132: Uprising of the Navigator! For the Unyielding Dream!
Ep 133: A Recipe Handed Down! Sanji, the Iron Man of Curry!
Ep 134: I Will Make It Bloom! Usopp the Man and the Eight-Foot Shell!
Ep 135: The Fabled Pirate Hunter! Zoro, the Wandering Swordsman!
Episodes: 136 to 138- Goat Island Arc
The Straw Hats’ tale of accidentally landing on this island while attempting to flee the Marines is told in the Goat Island arc.
In the third filler episode of the anime, Luffy and his team come upon an elderly man with a large herd of goats. Hence, the name of the island.
Once more, Straw Hats decides to assist this elderly man and repair his ship. Another subpar filler arc that may be quickly skipped.
Titles of Filler Episodes
Ep 136: Zenny of the Island of Goats and the Pirate Ship in the Mountains!
Ep 137: How’s Tricks? The Designs of Zenny the Moneylender!
Ep 138: whereabouts of the Island of Goats and the Pirate Ship in the Mountains!

Episodes: 139 to 143- Ruluka Island Arc
In One Piece, the Ruluka Island arc immediately follows the Goat Island arc. So, from episodes 136 through 143, we’ve got back-to-back filler storylines. This is the Rainbow Mist Arc’s fourth filler chapter.
We get to see the Straw Hats being pursued by the Marines when they discover this new island, just like in the previous filler storyline.
Ruluka (Ex-Pirate), the dictator who overtaxes the island’s residents, rules this place.
In order to assist people, Luffy and company resolve to depart the island soon. Like the last filler arc, this one may also be skipped, allowing you to jump straight into the Jaya Arc.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 139: Legend of the Rainbow Mist! Old Man Henzo of the Luluka Island!
Ep 140: Residents of the Land of Eternity! The Pumpkin Pirates!
Ep 141: Thoughts of Home! The Pirate Graveyard of No Escape!
Ep 142: An Inevitable Melee! Wetton’s Schemes and the Rainbow Tower!
Ep 143: And so, the Legend Begins!To the other side of the Rainbow!
Episodes: 196 to 206- G-8 Arc
The fifth filler arc of the One Piece anime series, the G-8 Arc, takes place immediately after the Skypiea adventures.
It is regarded as the funniest and most entertaining One Piece filler arc. The Straw Hats are imprisoned within a marine base and have to survive to locate their spacecraft so they may flee the base.
This is the arc you must watch if you’re looking for the ideal filler scene.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 196: A State of Emergency Is Issued! A Notorious Pirate Ship Has Infiltrated!
Ep 197: Sanji the Cook! Proving His Merit at the Marine Dining Hall!
Ep 198: Captured Zoro! Chopper’s Emergency Operations!
Ep 199: The Marine’s Dragnet Closes In! The Second Member Captured!
Ep 200: Luffy and Sanji’s Daring Rescue Mission!
Ep 201: Enter the Hot-Blooded Special Forces! Battle on the Bridge!
Ep 202: Breaking Through the Siege! The Going Merry Is Recovered!
Ep 203: The Pirate Ship Disappears! Fortress Battle, Round #2!
Ep 204: The Gold and Waver Recovery Operations!
Ep 205: The One Fell Swoop Plan! Jonathan’s Surefire Secret Tactic!
Ep 206: Farewell, Marine Fortress! The Last Battle for Escape!
Episodes: 220 to 224- Ocean’s Dream Arc
The sixth filler arc, Ocean’s Dream, was inspired by a One Piece PlayStation game. In the narrative, a young man attempts to erase memories of the Straw Hat Pirates.
Each crew member loses track of the others and finds themselves in an odd circumstance. Only Robin makes it out of this strange incident.
Although the intriguing plot may tempt you to watch these four filler episodes, you can do so without feeling guilty.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 220: Was It Lost? Stolen? Who Are You?
Ep 221: A Mysterious Boy With a Horn and Robin’s Deduction!
Ep 222: Now, Let’s Get Back Our Memories! The Pirate Crew Lands on the Island!
Ep 223: Zoro Bares His Fangs! A Savage Animal Stands in the Way!
Ep 224: The Last Counterattack by the Memory Thief Who Reveals His True Colors.

Episodes: 225 And 226 – Foxy’s Return Arc
The Straw Hats and Foxy cross paths once more in this arc’s narrative, and they argue. Since Foxy is one of the most despised characters in the One Piece fandom, it would be prudent to skip this arc.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 225: Proud Man! Silver Fox Foxy!
Ep 226: The Guy Who’s the Closest To Invincible? And the Most Dangerous Man!
Episodes: 326 And 335- Ice Hunter Arc
The Straw Hats attempt to assist the crew of a damaged ship en route to the Florian Triangle, but they soon learn that the people on board are Bounty Hunters.
They so began to battle the crew. Although the topic of bounty hunters hasn’t been thoroughly developed in the One Piece canon, it could be enjoyable to see this arc. Alternatively, you can skip it. You can decide.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 326: The Mysterious Band of Pirates! Sunny and the Dangerous Trap! Ep 327: Pirates! Sunny and the Dangerous Trap!
Ep 327: Sunny in a Pinch! Roar, Secret Superspeed Mecha!
Ep 328: The Dream Sinking in the New World! The Disillusioned Pirate, Puzzle!
Ep 329: The Assassins Attack! The Great Battle on Ice Begins!
Ep 330: The Straw Hat’s Hard Battles! A Pirate Soul Risking It All for the Flag!
Ep 331: Hot Full Throttle! The Twin’s Magnetic Power Drawing Near!
Ep 332: Mansion of Great Chaos! The Enraged Don and the Captured Crew!
Ep 333: The Return of the Phoenix! The Dream of the Pirate Flag Sworn to a Friend!
Ep 334: The Red Hot Decisive Battle! Luffy vs. the Scorching Don!
Ep 335: Waiting in the New World! Farewell to the Brave Pirates!
Episodes: 382 to 384- Spa Island Arc
The spa idea is undoubtedly fan service, as with all anime. Even though it may be exciting to see the Straw Hats enjoy themselves, others might find it irritating that Foxy keeps interrupting them.
That’s why you don’t have to feel that you have missed out on anything, even if you miss this arc.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 382: The Slow-Slow Menace! “Silver Fox” Foxy Returns
Ep 383: The Great Scramble for Treasure! Collapse! Spa Island!
Ep 384: Brook’s Great Struggle! Is the Path To Becoming a True Comrade Rigorous?

Episodes: 426 to 429- Little East Blue Arc.
The Little East Blue Arc is regarded as a unique filler arc that is exclusive to anime. Before watching the One Piece Film: Strong World, you must watch this arc.
The Straw Hats found a mysterious island that resembles East Blue. Therefore, this is a must viewing if you plan to watch the Strong World movie; else, it is easily skippable.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 426: A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! A Gold Lion’s Ambition on the Move!
Ep 427: A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! Little East Blue in Danger!
Ep 428: A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! The Fierce Onslaught of the Amigo Pirates!
Ep 429: A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! Luffy vs. Largo – The Battle Is On!
Episodes: 575 to 578- Z’s Animation Arc
It is the first filler arc following the time skip because The Z’s Ambition occurs afterward.
This film sets up the One Piece Film: Z in a manner similar to the arc just above. In the Maubeugemour Sea of the New World, the Straw Hat Pirates are forced into combat with the Neo-Marines.
Therefore, you must watch this four-episode filler arc if you intend to view the OP Film: Z.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 575: Z’s Ambition! Lily the Little Giant!
Ep 576: Z’s Ambition! A Dark And Powerful Army!
Ep 577: Z’s Ambition! A Great And Desperate Escape Plan!
Ep 578: Z’s Ambition!Luffy vs. Shuzo!
Episodes: 626 to 628- Caesar Retrieval Arc
Following the Punk Hazard arc, there is the Caesar Retrieval arc. A bunch of shadowy individuals takes Caesar away from the Straw Hats.
The Straw Hats and the Heart Pirates must now locate him or, more accurately, abduct him back. To learn more about the dangerous villain Caesar, watch these filler episodes.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 626: Caesar Goes Missing! The Pirate Alliance Makes a Sortie!
Ep 627: Luffy Dies at Sea!? The Pirate Alliance Comes Apart
Ep 628: A Major Turnaround! Luffy’s Angry Iron Fist Strikes!

Episodes: 747 to 750: Silver Mine Arc
Following the Dressrosa arc is the Silver Marine arc. The One Piece Film: Gold was built on the foundation of these episodes.
The plot centers on how the Silver Pirates kidnap Luffy and Barto. They now need to figure out how to get away from the pirates hiding in a huge fortress surrounded by silver mines.
As per usual, if you want to stream the Gold movie, you must watch this arc, but fans often find it to be a bit tedious and recommend skipping it.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 747: The Silver Fortress! Luffy and Barto’s Great Adventure!
Ep 748: An Underground Maze! Luffy vs. the Tram Human!
Ep 749: The Sword Technique Heats Up! Law and Zoro Finally Appear!
Ep 750: A Desperate Situation! Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat!
Episodes: 780 to 782- Marine Rookie Arc
The crew runs out of food while en route to Whole Cake Island to fetch Sanji.
In order to steal all the food, the Straw Hats Pirates intend to raid a nearby marine base while posing as Marines.
You can watch it to pass the time or go to the major arcs (listed above) because, as entertaining as it might sound, it doesn’t live up to the expectations.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 780: A Hungry Front! Luffy and the Navy Rookies!
Ep 781: The Implacable Three! Big Chase After the Straw Hats!
Ep 782: The Devil’s Dist! A show Down! Luffy vs. Grount.
Episodes: 895 and 896: Cidre Guild Arc
The One Piece Stampede movie is set up by this arc. The Straw Hats unexpectedly cross paths with Boa Hancock and join forces with her to take on the Cidre Guild, a group of bounty hunters.
You can watch this One Piece filler arc or skip these two episodes if you plan to watch the Stampede movie. But since One Piece Stampede fans adore it, watching it is worthwhile.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 895: Side Story! The World’s Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre!
Ep 896: Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carboation!

Episodes: 1029 and 1030: Uta’s Past
The sixteenth filler arc of the program, titled Uta’s Past, just finished airing. The One Piece Film: Red and this arc are closely related.
Including Uta, who connects to Luffy’s past, is welcome. However, only Uta’s character is now accepted as canon, and the actual events haven’t been verified.
Therefore, if you intend to watch the most recent One Piece Red movie, you absolutely must watch this arc. Otherwise, you can watch the raid on Onigashima.
Titles Of Filler Episodes-
Ep 1029: A Faint Memory! Luffy and Red-Haired’s Daughter Uta!
Ep 1030: A Pledge for the New Genesis! Luffy and Uta!

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Wrapping Up!
So, these were all the One Piece Filler Episodes, which you watch to pass some more time or can just skip knowing that it’s a filler.
However, if you are a die-hard anime fan who cannot resist watching the filler episodes to avoid missing out on any scene, you can just watch them in order.
Lastly, we recommend not giving much thought to One Piece Filler episodes, as they are just there for your extra entertainment.
Yes! In the One Piece anime, you can skip the filler episodes. But before watching a select few movies, you might need to view a few filler arcs. As a result, the filler arcs are what you need to see if you want to enjoy One Piece movies.
Until the Wano Country arc took over, Dressrosa was considered the longest arc in OP. As a result, the Wano nation arc is currently One Piece’s longest arc.
Since its initial broadcast in October 1999, One Piece has continued to release brand-new episodes. It requires you a total of 420.8 hours to watch them all without taking any pauses or sleeping.